Compound feed and premix production are launched
Ukrfeed is on the market of feed & premix production under trade brand “Raspberry” and “Pearl”, accordingly.
Our first delivery of feed was dedicated to Mullard ducklings and Brown layers we were selling. Our partner, Kozhuchivska poultry farm began to realize our feed through their own trade network. Compound feed plays a vital role in the process of ensuring food safety along the entire livestock and aquaculture production and supply chain. The production and sourcing of raw materials plus their processing for quality-assured compound feed has become a major consumer attention.
Our granulated feed has a pleasant smell of fresh raspberry and does not contain artificial growth promoters and fully balanced based on species requirements. Natural toxin binder CarboVet and phytobiotic Extract 6930 (red paprika+origanum+cinnamon) organically underline our “green” concept. The first batches of premixes were dispatched in order to be tested on the farms of Kirovograd and Kyiv area, as well as on the territory of Crimea.
Legendary Sucram C 150 is back to the market of Ukraine!
Sucram’s improved form comes back to the market of Ukraine after the long period of re-registration. New Sucram C 150 has old Sucram’s 810 all advantages, with additional benefits of stable and intensive fruit and caramel smell and taste.
Dosage: 130-150 per ton of prestarter and 75-115g per starter.
Shelf life: 36 months! There is more to come …
Investment on return, at least is 5:1
Three Big Boards are on the state motorway!
Two Big Boards of external advertisement will be appeared on the state route Е50 Kyiv-Luhansk, in the district of cities Slovjansk and Artemivsk, another Big Board will appear on the regional route Н120, between Konstantinovka and Donetsk.
Together with our partner Alexander Varenichenko, we invite agrarians of east areas to the collaboration!
Our participation in Agro Animal Show 2014
Ukrfeed ltd together with H&N (Germany), the producer of layer Brown Nick, and also our supplier Taminco (Belgium) will participate in the Agro Animal Show 2014 exhibition which will take place from February 11 to 13 in Kiev (Salyutnaya Str., 2B).
At our booth, we are about to present our new products in the field of feeding and veterinary practice from our new suppliers, such as Pancosma, ADM, DSM, Boehringer Ingelheim, Integra. Our specialists will consult about layer Brown Nick, which is getting more and more popular in Ukraine, and the producer representative — Pavel Bogatkin (St. Petersburg) will more exhaustively tell about the recent world trends in genetics of layer hen and not only.
It’s our pleasure to tell about our wide experience in term of red bird’s mite, mycoplasma, salmonellosis and Infectious Coryza prevention. We kindly advise our newcomer customers about elementals of vaccination, disinfection, up-to-date feeding programs, etc.
Since 2014, company Ukrfeed opens the new business direction — deliveries of day old broilers, nine day’s old ducklings, semi-heavy turkey poults, gooses and guinea fowl from France.
We will be glad to see you at our booth E 182
With kind regards, Ukrfeed